
Real Estate Advanced Techniques
How To Make 100% On Your Money While You Wait For It To Go Up 10 Times¡­Secured by Real Estate! By Mark Walters
By Mark Walters
Jun 14, 2005, 00:11

How To Make 100% On Your Money
While You Wait For It To Go Up 10 Times¡­
Secured by Real Estate!!!

If you're like me, you look around as you're driving
and you see what appear to be all these very well off people.

They must be successful, look at the cars
they're driving, the clothes they are wearing,
the toys they are hauling, and the neighborhoods
where they are living!

My gosh, just looking around can make us
feel like we must be missing the boat!

Not quite¡­

Debt Baby! That's what we're looking at.

Month-to-month, hand-to-mouth, living for
the weekend modern America. Sad but true.

What we see all around us are the fleeting results
of decisions people make for instant gratification
and a wealthy facade that will come to an end
in their near future.

In a nutshell we see the results of the choices
people make to pay someone else each month
for the pleasures they have convinced
themselves they deserve today.

Out-going cash flow!

I learned back in the 1980's a phrase that changed
my life. It was a mentor of mine by the name of
Jimmy Napier who asked,

¡°What side of the cash flow stream do you want to be on?¡±

I've got a lump in my throat as I'm writing that sentence
because my computer faces a window looking out at my
2 acre farm that I never would have if it weren't for
getting on the incoming side of debt.

Thank you Jimmy!

Because I was trying to get on the incoming side of
the cash flow stream, back in 1989 I began investing
in small claims judgments.

Small claims judgments are assignable.

So for pennies on the dollar, I would buy them from
people who didn't know how to collect.

(Hint¡­they still don't!)

I only bought judgments where the debtors owned
real estate. That way I could record my judgment
and it would become a lien on their property.

Can you say ¡°Leverage?¡±

Not only was I able to buy these judgments for
very little money because the creditors didn't
know how to collect on them, but I enjoyed
something else they didn't know¡­

Judgments accrue interest!

It varies by state but the average is about
10% interest per year.

Talk about icing on the cake!

I would buy them for around 1/10 their face
value and they would accrue 10% interest.

That's 100% return on my money while I wait to
collect on the judgment¡­in most cases secured
by real estate.

In fact interest begins accruing the day
the judgment is originated so I'm getting
a whole lot more money than the face
amount of the judgment!

I often let the judgment ride considering the
return on my money is better than I could
find elsewhere. Kinda Smart Huh?

I now want to show you how to get on the right
side of the cash flow stream¡­

The Incoming Side!

We have put all our techniques¡­

How to Find, Screen (very important),
Buy and Collect judgments into a big fat
manual that will show you step-by-step
how you too can put yourself on the incoming
side of cash flow streams.

There's more debt out there than ever before.

This field is still ripe and that's probably why
you never hear much about it.

Let me share all the details with you here
so you can get choked up telling people about it someday¡­



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