
Income Property Financing
Find Money for Your Real Estate Wealth Building
Dec 29, 2006, 15:31

Find Money for Your Real Estate Wealth Building

Real estate is a borrowed-money business. No one I know who owns real estate for income purposes ever pays all cash for their property. Why? Because real estate is a Borrowed Money Business! 

It is a given that real estate professionals finance their holdings. And I want you to do the same because that is the 
way you can build your real estate wealth on OPM — Other People's Money.

where you can get the money you need for all your larger real estate deals like multi-family buildings, business office structures, commercial properties having stores, and—possibly—residential rental units, industrial factories. Many of these funders differ from single-family home lenders since they are apartment buildings you might want to own to build your real estate fortune on OPM. 

These buildings might be residential, commercial, or industrial. So Where can I get financing for this multi-unit real estate project?

Your Money Sources Are Almost Unlimited. Since real estate is a borrowed-money business, there are thousands of funding sources waiting to put money into your hands. And this money can take a number of different forms. 

* Loans for your long-term mortgages on multi-unit real estate.

* Loans for your "junior" mortgages—that is second, third, or more, down payment loans for multi-unit zero-cash deals.

* Loans for property fix-up—also called rehabilitation—rehab for short—to bring property up to modern standards.

* Loan guarantees from government agencies—federal, state, county, city, to help you get quick multi-unit financing.

* Grants from both government and private sources to purchase or rehab property for needy families and/or business tenants.

* Lines of credit—direct or indirect—to furnish cash for your multi-unit real estate wealth-building.

* Private sources for a variety of multi-unit real estate financing with little documentation.

* Public sources for large loans for many of your big-money (multi-millions) real estate projects.

* Investor groups for large or small sources of money for you where you do the work while your investors receive profits.

* 100 percent financing hinders who will finance your investment properties for every dollar of the property cost.

Now that you know many of the sources but you also need to know where to find such sources in your area. And once you've found suitable sources, you need to determine if these sources would advance you the money you need.

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